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NG24 3NP


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AIM Level 3 Award in Building, Installation and Property Maitenance Skills.

Aim Level 3 Award in Building, Installation and Property Maintenance Skills is a shorter version of the Aim Level 3 Certificate in Building, Installation and Property Maintenance Skills.


Award                 =       11 credits.

Certificate           =       21 credits.


To gain the L3 Award you will need to complete 2 of the following disciplines;


Plumbing         =            7 Credits

Tiling               =            7 Credits

Bricklaying      =            7 Credits 
Plastering        =            7 Credits

Blockpaving    =             4 Credits


This course is suitable for those seeking a recognised qualification at L3 in order to advance into the construction and property maintenance sector.

Ideal for landlords with a more hands on approach.

Self-employed maintenance workers.

Persons re-trading or looking to change career.

Persons with a small building project.


Course Cost = £1000 - £1200


To complete the L3 Award; 

Choose 2 of the above disciplines and carry out the practical training and assessed tasks.

Complete a portfolio workbook including materials and tool requisition orders, dealing with customers and job quotations.


For more detailed information on how it works please call Janice on.

01636 671121

07990 521614

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